My name is Lily and I live in Minneapolis with my two dogs Dudley, Ötzi and my boyfriend Kevin.
I was diagnosed with cervical cancer when I was 27 years old. I am now 32 years old. I’ve had to deal with loss of fertility, losing friends, strange looks from friends and family, whisperings about my sexual health, chemo, radiation, internal radiation, losing my hair and now having to deal with my body after something as traumatic as cancer and treatment in everyday life.
I felt alone, I felt scared and I wanted to find someone that I could talk to about my symptoms, what to expect at treatment, just anyone, going through something semi-similar to what I was going through.
I’ve made this site and group to help find other women like me. I want women to know that they are never alone and should never be ashamed of their diagnosis. We’ll have a safe space where we can have an outlet for those things that are too difficult to communicate to our loved ones. My first goal is to set up events and just get us together. My second goal is to help us educate others on HPV, HPV vaccines and how we can end this disease. My third and final goal so far, is to just make sure every woman feels supported.
As of 1/4/20, I have already met two beautiful cervical cancer surviors here in Minnesota. I met one though Cervivor. An amazing organization that I recommend you check out! Here is the link: Cervivor
The other I met just through word of mouth. I can’t wait to meet more!
Here is my story: